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Who We Serve

At Equi Financial Planning, I focus on communities that are underserved.

These clients are driven by a genuine passion for what they do. 

Early Career Professionals

Your motivation to evolve into a confident financial decision-maker is inspiring. Life is full of transitions, and having the right guide can create strong money habits. 

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Established Professional Women

You are driven and determined in the face of unequal obstacles. It is an honor to support you on your journey.

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The Crossroads

We specialize in helping families navigate the complex journey of transitioning yourself or loved ones to new living arrangements. Our comprehensive service provides the support and expertise needed for a smooth transition.

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Empowering your Financial Journey

At Equi, we believe in the power of taking ownership of your financial future. Our mission is to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve your financial goals. Let us help you unlock your potential financial future.